Water Mist Fire Suppression Myths Debunked
There are many beliefs and myths about water mist systems. NPHS are here to help you understand what is true and what is false.
True or False?
A fire suppression system can be set off by burnt food.
Our fire suppression mist system doesn’t set off until temperatures reach 57 degrees. Once temperatures reach 57 degrees, the frangible bulb inside the nozzle will break, setting off the misting system.
True or False?
Water mist uses less water than a typical fire sprinkler system?
Water mist fire suppression systems use a lot less water than typical fire sprinkler systems. As they don’t require a water tank, and only a small pump with loaded hoses, the system requires a lot less water to put out a fire.
True or False?
All nozzles set off when a fire starts?
Only the closest nozzle to the fire will break, setting off only the nozzles required. The frangible bulb will break at 57 degrees.
True or False?
A water mist sprinkler system can’t be installed in old and existing buildings?
The Mist system can be retrofitted in almost any domestic or residential property type, including those that are already built and developed.
True or False?
The NPHS water mist system doesn’t meet British standards?
Our mist system is fully compliant with BS:8458 and holds a third party UKAS fire accredited certification.
True or False?
Water mist systems can’t protect entire buildings?
Our mist systems work very similarly to fire sprinklers, and cover the same risks as fire sprinklers do.