Recent water mist system activations
The Promenade Apartment Building – Weston-Super-Mare, England.
A cooking fire caused by a frying pan in a first floor apartment in Weston-Super-Mare was contained and extinguished by the activation of the iCO® water mist system. The system rapidly put out the blaze in the affected flat without causing any excess water damage, whilst the other apartments in the building were unaffected. Fortunately, the resident was unharmed and no injuries were reported.
Homeless Shelter – Camborne, England.
A sofa fire caused by a cigarette in a self contained studio apartment was contained and extinguished by the activation of the iCO® water mist system. The nozzle nearest the fire activated and the system effectively extinguished the fire which had quickly spread throughout the flat; protecting the occupant whilst alerting the management team to the blaze. Fortunately, the resident was unharmed and no injuries were reported.
Social and Elderly Housing Unit – Irvine, Scotland
A cooking fire in a kitchen within a residential block of flats in North Ayrshire Council’s housing unit was contained and extinguished by the activation of the iCO® water mist system. Fortunately, the resident was woken and no injuries were reported.
Terraced House – Putney, London
A cooking fire in a terraced house kitchen in Putney was effectively contained and extinguished by the activation of the iCO® water mist system. The nearest nozzle in the kitchen activated and quickly put out the fire before it could spread to other rooms in the property. The owner of the house was notified by the iCO® app and evacuated the property safely.
Admiralty House Apartment Building – Plymouth
An electrical appliance fire in the utility room of an apartment building in Plymouth was effectively contained and extinguished by the activation of the iCO® water mist system. The iCO® fire suppression system alerted the building management and all occupants were safely evacuated whilst the building was inspected. Fortunately, the residents were unharmed and no injuries were reported.